Friday, 4 May 2012

Character Biography

While designing my villain I wrote up a back story for him to give him a more believable feel.

Name: Cyril Rhyme (C.Rhyme)

Alias: TJ – leaves a calling card at crimes he’s committed, police know the alias but don’t realise he’s the janitor

Age: 32


·         Longish face

·         Long thin Bony fingers

·         Hook on left hand

·         Slightly curved nose

·         Sharp eyes, narrowed

·         Gap in teeth

·         Slightly hunched over broad shoulders

·         Thin legs

Parents: Dad – Respected Police Officer

Mom – Border Patrol Officer

Cyril’s History

·         Born in Devon, Moved to Norfolk at a young age due to father getting promoted in the police force

·         Went through school with only one dream, to becoming a police officer

·         Trained and studied hard to become a police officer

·         Failed the Health check-up test preventing him from joining the force at age 26 due to heavy asthma

·         After failing the test had an accident in the lift which resulted in his left hand being cut off, police covered up incidence dodging responsibility. This caused him to feel betrayed by the police after idolising everything they stand for.

·         Spent 2 years roaming around the country bitterly plotting revenge. His appearance changed becoming thinner in the face.

·         Developed Lock jaw due to gritting his teeth so much in anger. Cannot open and close his mouth very far but can still talk in a slightly muffled voice.

·         Discovered he had a talent at trickery, deceit and bribery. 

·         At age 28 Applied to become a janitor at a nearby establishment waiting for an opening at the police station.

·         Got together and created a variety of surveillance and spy equipment practising on the current establishment

·         At age 31 grabbed the opportunity to work as a janitor on the police force

·         Spent the next year creating a secret underground lair with the entrance located within the janitor’s closet. There are multiple other entrances for his minions/servants to come to him

·         Spends his time around the police station picking up new information, potential new recruits, leads on current crimes being committed, able to cover up some of his own plots by tampering with evidence, planting bugs around the police station for complete surveillance, making life as difficult as possible for the police force as he gradually brings them down from the inside.

Favourite Foods

·         Soup

·         Spaghetti

·         Haribo sweets


·         Doughnuts – because it’s a policeman’s favourite food

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