Friday 4 May 2012


Overall I am pleased with the way my villain turned out despite the problems I had at the start with the cat objects used for the rigging stage. This forces me to start over again using the biped instead. My villain also quite closely matches my preliminary sketches with a few small changes due to time constraints such as the facial hair. I am particularly pleased with the face and the hook hand, which brings a sense of evil and danger to the character and also provides a little more back story. The face looks rather menacing with the shifty and slightly mismatched eyes to the jaw and mouth which looks to be locked in place. It also makes his teeth look too big for his mouth adding a little more grotesqueness to him. 

If I could change one thing about my character apart from adding a little facial hair it would probably be the hand. It doesn’t really feel quite right and due to problems with the cat objects I wasn’t able to add bones to it in the allotted time frame.

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