Sunday 19 February 2012

Tutorial Cartoon Eyes

Creating a cartoon eye turned out to be much simpler than I first thought. To start create a sphere and under the parameter rollout move the hemisphere up a little to form the pupil of the eye. Clone the sphere and increase the radius slightly and take the hemisphere up a little more to form the eyelid. Clone the upper eyelid and rotate the sphere round to form the lower eyelid.

In the material editor chose a standard material – multi sub object and set the number to two. Make one material black and the other white to form the colour of the pupils and the cornea then drag this new material to the first sphere.

In the create panel choose space warps – geometric/deformable FFD box. Click and drag the FFD box around the eye and set number of points to two. Go to bind which is located on the toolbar next to link/unlink which will allow you to select points on the eye which can be moved around.

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